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George IV
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Bibliography of books on photographs from the Royal Collection

The Family Brousil of Prague, 1857, RCIN 2906228©

F. Dimond, Presenting an Image: Photographs from the Royal Photographic Collection, Windsor Castle (Merrell, London, 1995)

F. Dimond, Developing the Picture: Queen Alexandra and the Art of Photography (Royal Collection, London, 2004)

F. Dimond, 'Prince Albert, the Society of Arts and the Beginning of the Royal Photograph Collection', The William Shipley Group for RSA History Occasional Paper 11 (London, 2009)

F. Dimond and R. Taylor, Crown & Camera: The Royal Family and Photography, 1842-1910 (Penguin, London, 1987)

C. Ford, Happy and Glorious: Six Reigns of Royal Photography (Angus and Robertson, London, 1977)

M. Gent and H. Gray, 'The Rehousing of Queen Victoria's Private Negatives' in Care of Photographic, Moving Image and Sound Collections: Conference Papers, 20-24 July 1998, pp. 129-135.

H. and A. Gernsheim,  Queen Victoria: A Biography in Word and Picture (Longmans, London, 1959)

H. and A. Gernsheim, Queen Alexandra: A Biography in Word and Picture (F. Muller, London, 1962)

S. Gordon, Noble Hounds and Dear Companions: the Royal Photograph Collection (Royal Collection, London, 2007)

S. Gordon, Roger Fenton - Julia Margaret Cameron: Early British Photographs from the Royal Collection (Royal Collection, London, 2010)

L. Heighway, Marcus Adams Royal Photographer (Royal Collection, London, 2010)

D. Hempleman-Adams, S. Gordon and E. Stuart, The Heart of the Great Alone: Scott, Shackleton and Antarctic Photography (Royal Collection, London, 2009)

J. McCarthy, S. Gordon, B. El Hage and A. Nasini, Cairo to Constantinople: Francis Bedford’s Photographs of the Middle East (Royal Collection, London, 2013)

J. Marsden, ed. Victoria and Albert: Art and Love (Royal Collection, London, 2010)

C. Warwick, ed. Queen Mary’s Photograph Albums (Sidgwick & Jackson, London, 1989)

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